Maxine’s Big 9 Goals: A Guide to Achieving Personal and Professional Fulfilment

Maxine’s journey endeavoured many leadership roles as well as travelling overseas to help Cambodia build a school. This journey led her to develop a comprehensive framework she calls the "Big 9," designed to guide individuals in managing themselves and achieving their life goals. Here’s a breakdown of Maxine’s Big 9 goals and how they can help you find fulfilment in your personal and professional life.

1. Career Goals

Maxine emphasizes the importance of having clear career aspirations. Whether you’re aiming for a leadership position or striving to excel in your current role, setting career goals gives you a sense of direction and purpose.

2. Personal Development Goals

Continuous learning and personal growth are essential. Maxine believes that developing new skills and improving existing ones is crucial for staying motivated and effective in any role, especially in leadership.

3. Health Goals

Maintaining physical health is foundational. Maxine encourages setting health-related goals, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest, to ensure you have the energy and vitality needed to pursue your ambitions.

4. Financial Goals

Financial stability and planning are key components of Maxine’s Big 9. She advocates for setting financial goals that allow you to achieve security and freedom, enabling you to focus on other areas of your life without financial stress.

5. Relationship Goals

Building and maintaining meaningful relationships is another pillar. Maxine highlights the importance of nurturing connections with family, friends, and colleagues, which provide support and enrich your life.

6. Recreational Goals

Having fun and taking time to relax are vital for overall well-being. Maxine includes recreational goals in her Big 9 to remind us to balance work and play, ensuring we enjoy life’s journey.

7. Contribution Goals

Giving back to the community and helping others can be incredibly fulfilling. Maxine stresses the importance of contribution goals, whether through volunteering, mentoring, or simply being there for others.

8. Environmental Goals

Being mindful of the environment and taking steps to protect it is part of Maxine’s holistic approach. Setting goals related to sustainability and eco-friendliness can contribute to a healthier planet and a sense of responsibility.

9. Spiritual Goals

For those who are religious or spiritually inclined, Maxine suggests setting spiritual goals. This might involve deepening your faith, practicing mindfulness, or finding inner peace and purpose.

The Importance of Self-Care

Maxine also underscores the critical role of self-care in achieving these goals. She often asks her clients, “Who’s pouring into you?” This question highlights the necessity of receiving support and replenishment, whether from loved ones, mentors, or spiritual practices. Without proper self-care, burnout and frustration can hinder progress towards your goals.

Maxine’s Big 9 goals provide a well-rounded framework for achieving personal and professional fulfillment. By setting and pursuing these goals, you can create a balanced and purposeful life, enhancing your effectiveness and satisfaction in both your career and personal endeavors. Remember, taking care of yourself is paramount; ensure you have a support system in place to pour into you as you strive to pour into others.


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